Korea (South)
South Korea is located in Asia central Asia.
The population of South Korea was 32.9 million in 1974, and licensed TV sets numbered 1.182 million (per WRTH, 1974).
TV & system
Republic of (South) Korea began its television service in 1956.
There are XXXXXXXX television stations: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Colour transmissions began in 1975 using the NTSC colour broadcast system.
Korea had four TV channels: AFKN-TV, KBS-TV, MBC-TV and TBC-TV. All but AFKN had an equivalent "Children's Hour"' timeslot on weekdays, so it's possible that Doctor Who aired during these slots
The first channel to screen in colour was KBS, in the NTSC format - if Doctor Who aired on that channel, then it would have been Pertwee or Baker episodes.
All programming is in English. Only TBC aired Korean language titled programmes.
The main language of South Korea is Korean. English is also a main language due to the presence of American troops.
All TV programming is in English. Only TBC aired Korean language programmes.
Republic of (South) Korea was the 45th country to screen Doctor Who (see Selling Doctor Who).
BBC Records
The Eighties (The Eighties The Lost Chapters) records a sale of 4 stories to Korea Republic (by 10 February 1987).
In DWM, Korea is identified in the story Archive for BBB only; with a date of 1978. XXXXX check
Stories bought and broadcast
? stories, ? episodes:
BBB | Doctor Who and the Silurians | 7 |
South Korea therefore bought (at least) GROUP B of the Jon Pertwee stories.
The programme would have been as supplied as either 16mm black and white film prints with English soundtracks, or as NTSC colour video tapes with English soundtracks.
Origin of the Prints?
Time-Life sold the series to the Philippines in 1976, so it's likely they also handled a sale to the nearby South Korea. Due to US troops...
No details found.
There is no record that South Korea screened Doctor Who again.
TV listings
The English language newspaper Korean Herald has been checked from all of 1972 through to all of 1982, and no listings for Doctor Who' were found. BBC programmes that did air were I, Claudius and The Goodies.
South Korea in Doctor Who
There are no instances where Republic of (South) Korea is mentioned in the series.